How to Harness the Full Moon Energy + 4 Rituals For Connection
Do you feel the lunar influence on you? It’s probably pulling you right now, even in bright daylight, soft and strong, with steady attraction, deep into the gulf of mystery.
The moon is captivating! And yet, we know so little about exactly how, which is why the modern world has largely lost its reverence for this magnetic celestial body that tugs on our emotions and actions.
The full moon especially, is loaded with meaning, and it’s an opportunity for ritual, raw, ancient, and connected. And you can, and should, harness its power!
Working with the full moon is an opportunity for reflection, self care, and connection with not just yourself, but the larger whole too.
If you’re feeling called to explore your intuition through the enchanting energy of the full moon, read on...
The Moon Cult
Thousands of years ago, the sun held a very special place in the lives, cultures, and religions of civilizations, but the moon was no less important.
It was worshipped as an entity giving rhythm to life on earth, and it served as a metaphor for the never ending cycles of change and push and pull.
Ancient cultures created lunar calendars before solar ones, and based the beginnings of their months with the new moon- drawing a clear connection between the appearance of the moon, and what that appearance represented.
Our ancestors understood how intertwined we were with this celestial body that is ever present. They felt our connection to the lunar energies, and what they meant for us on a universal, but also personal, level.
There is deep soul remembrance which craves this connection back!
You & The Full Moon
The reason why the full moon is so important today, is that it allows you space to check in on yourself, to reflect, to look inward. Moments like these don’t come easy and should be protected.
The moon provides a regularity for this introspection, which is why it’s such a wonderful tool to incorporate into your monthly rituals.
But before we get into those, let’s consider how the Full Moon actually affects YOU.
The Symbolic Pull
The full moon represents closure.
As the moon cycle is completed, an era ends within you too. We are fully reflective of the moon’s changes and shifts, because the moon is the cosmic within us, and so the full moon brings about the final transformation, the final pull towards your purpose.
By honoring this symbolism, you are creating space within yourself that embraces transformation and doesn’t passively wait for it, but actively works towards it. You are becoming the agent of your change. And the full moon is your facilitator. No wonder the moon is so closely related to manifestation practices.
During the full moon, you experience the energetical culmination of your new projects or intentions that you birthed during the new moon. You should be seeing the results of your spiritual work at this time, and reflecting on what happened, why it happened, and what that signifies for you.
This phase of the moon is perfect for looking back to see what worked and didn’t work for you the past month, because you are in prime position to look at the full picture. Why? Because during the full moon, everything is fully illuminated. There is more light everywhere- in the night sky, as well as in your mind and heart. Use this time for complete honesty with yourself.
The moon is tied to intuition, so if you are practicing regular syncing with the moon energies through rituals, you should be much more tuned into your gut feeling. And that always has the answer to whatever question you are struggling with.
The Emotional Tension
During the full moon phase, the sun and the moon are directly opposite each other, and that translates to polarity. This polarity can be felt as the friction between yin and yang, between your introverted and extroverted self, between the light and the dark.
You might have noticed that during this time, you seem to be more on edge.
Full moons have always been associated with heightened emotional states, and those typically happen when we are not aligned and balanced internally. The full moon feeds this state of mind, but only because it is asking you to transcend it.
Become a compassionate observer of your own polarity, of how you are being pulled to different directions, but don’t identify with the disharmony. Flow with it! This is the perfect time to send extra care and love to yourself for being exactly as you are and where you are.
It’s also the perfect time to channel this emotional surge to where it can do good. Use it to look at your intentions and projects with new eyes, with new-found strengths, and finish what you started (or pivot to where it feels right).
Emotions, in the end, are always just energy in motion. The moment you start working with them as such, you can direct this potent flow to wonderful things. Let the full moon bring about the swell, and embrace it!
The Feminine Force
The moon is a feminine celestial body, and it is naturally associated with intuition, thoughtfulness, nourishment, and creativity. It’s the yin to the sun’s yang.
The moon rises in the darkness, and illuminates the night, the most during full moon, and that channels potent transformational energy. To make full use of it, ground yourself in your divine feminine, and tap into your senses and into your gentleness.
The full moon calls for slowing down, moving with intention, and assigning meaning to your actions. Look beyond the plain ordinary. Uncover the shadowy sweetness and look behind the veil of the night. Your divine feminine craves this mystical time, and it is now that it can fully be realized.
This is the time for witchy moon rituals, be it by yourself or with your tribe of women. Historically, it’s always been the female spirit guiding the full moon ceremonies, so by doing them today, you are not just tapping into your feminine force, you are also channelling ancestral messages that hold a deep sense of mysticism in them. Honor that!
4 Full Moon Rituals For Deep Connection
Full moon rituals have been practiced for centuries, as they guide the human spirit to make the best out of this powerful lunar phase.
The full moon ritual is your sacred space for reflection, stillness, and celebration of your connection to yourself and the mystical.
The best rituals for this time of the month are inward looking, self accepting, and self loving.
Journal To Integrate Your Intention
Being the introspective lunar phase that the full moon is, it’s no surprise that journaling is one of the most potent full moon rituals.
Journaling allows for radical honesty with yourself about how things went for you the past month, if you were able to stick to your intentions, and what came up for you during this period.
Before you start your journaling practice, go outside and bathe in the moonlight. Absorb its energy, feel its draw, and invoke your own intuition. Connect to the full moon spirit and let it guide your hand as you write.
When you start a full moon journaling practice, ask yourself this:
How was the past month for you energetically, emotionally, spiritually, and physically?
What are you the most proud of or happy for in the last month?
What was your biggest obstacle or struggle?
Where do you see an opportunity for growth and change?
Meditate To Align With Pure Being
Meditation is a beautiful way to honor the full moon spirit within you, and here’s how to set yourself up for the most profound ceremony.
Find a cozy place to sit
Place pillows and throws on the floor, and turn off the lights. The full moon light will be seeping through every portal in your body, and you will feel it even with your eyes closed. So try to sit facing a window.
Get grounded
Feel the floor below your body, come to the present moment, and open yourself to receiving. Bring your attention fully to the now. Even if your thoughts start wandering after a while, gently recenter, without striving. Just be here now.
Sync your breath
Start breathing deeply but softly, drawing out your breath as much as you can. You will naturally begin feeling calmer and more relaxed. The breath will help you navigate the surge of energy that’s associated with the full moon.
Align with yourself
Think about bringing yourself into full alignment with your soul. How would that feel? Can you sense that connection in yourself? Can you use this meditation as a channel for the cosmic spirit within you?
The full moon meditation ritual is all about directing the uprising of strong energy towards more calmness and intentional pure being. Just let go, allow the energy to flow through you, and enjoy!
Move To Release Stagnant Energy
Movement and the full moon are made for each other. As this lunar phase brings about a swell of emotional energy, you choose how and where to direct it.
Through intentional and soft movement, you are allowing your body to be the channel of the lunar power, releasing what no longer serves you and closing out the month by honoring yourself and your natural need to transform energy into motion.
Here’s how to do it.
Create a sacred space for your movement ritual
Turn off the lights and use only the moonshine to guide you. Play your favorite ceremonial music or stay in complete silence. Listen to what your soul is asking for.
Begin moving with devotion
Now is the time to make your movement a true ceremony. Honor your body. Honor the cosmos. Honor the moonshine. Think about moving in sync with the universe. Slow, connected, flowing.
Focus on moving stagnant energy
Mark the end of the month by releasing blockages and creating space within. You are shedding layers, integrating, and preparing for the new.
Moving with reverence to your own body and the full moon creates an opportunity to let go and transmute the energetical swell within you. Carve out space to love yourself up and turn your movement into a sacred ritual.
Smoke Cleanse To Clear Out The Old
Smudge sticks are your full moon best friend. By smoke cleaning your home, you are closing the chapter that just passed with deep devotion, and you are clearing out all the negative stagnant energy that’s left over.
Choosing the right herbs for a smoke cleaning ritual is important, and it’s a very intuitive process. Sage, rosemary, or lavender are great choices, but always be guided by your own senses and pick what you feel attracted to.
After you’ve picked your favorite herbs for this full moon ritual, wrap them together and get ready to clear out the old.
Here’s how to do it.
Light up your smudge stick
Make sure your herbs are not actually on fire. You want to have them smoking gently, not burning.
Set an intention
It helps to set a mantra for this ceremony. It can be something like ‘I clear out the old to allow space for the new’, or ‘I allow new energy in’.
Whirl the smudge stick around you first
Begin by clearing out the immediate space around yourself. Start getting in a rhythmic groove with the smudging. See if you can bring some flow to the way you move the herbs around. Get acquainted with the smell, settle into it, feel it.
Begin smudging your space
Walk around your home letting the smoke seep through every corner. Think about calling in the cleaning energy of the smoke and driving out all the stagnant out. Keep repeating your mantra.
Get sensory
Watch the smoke move around the space and follow it with your eyes. See its elegance and smoothness, and feel how allowing your senses to get completely enveloped in the ritual brings about a meditative state of mind.
Close the ceremony
To end this moon phase in your home, open your windows wide to let the gathered stagnant energy out. Invite the fresh air in. Sit or stand in complete stillness and take 5 deep and controlled breaths, quietly repeating your mantra in your mind.
Feel how the space around has transformed. Bask in the moonlight and prepare for the new chapter ahead.
The Transformation
The full moon is loaded with symbolism and power that you can harness. It’s about re-establishing a deep connection with the ancient, with the ever present, and with the ever true.
When you align with the phases of the moon, you are aligning with the natural, but also with the deeply mystical, and the human soul needs that more than anything. Especially now.
The full moon might be magic, but it’s magic lives in YOU. Through you, through your devotional rituals, through your ceremonies and intentions. The full moon can help you tap into your deep truth every month, so use its support to guide you.
Who knows what might manifest for you if you do?